09.02.03 - 9:55 PM
"And they least they ever gave you, was the most you ever knew."

So today... yeah... I acomplished very little.

Small explosion in the lab today... that's three for the physics department this summer... hell... at least we're no where near chemistry... they've had the fire department out here that many times... not to mention the countless others that didn't require professional assitance.

See why having undergrads in the lab is a bad idea?


Other than that not much. I really have gotten quite boring now that I no longer have anything to rant about, huh?


No more pissy bitchy Kellen sucks doesn't it?

But you know what... sod off... 'cause I'm happier than I've ever been.

If I only had someone to share the happiness with...


::rabble scrabble lack of girlfriend::

Later days

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